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Project information

Development of the universal access to electricity strategy in Bolivia, based on a geo-referenced electricity access plan

R. Palacios A. González-García I.J. Pérez-Arriaga S. Díaz-Pastor C. Mateo F. de Cuadra General P. Ciller

January 2022 - July 2023

Funding entity Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

Participated by Wayvolution S.L, Waya Energy Inc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Trama Tecnoambiental S.L, FICAID

In this project we are developing the "National Integrated Rural Electrification Plan for Bolivia in 2030" (PINERB 2030), through the optimization of least-cost power supply with grid extension, microgrids, and standalone systems, by using the Reference Electrification Model REM©MIT&IIT-Comillas.
The technological design analyzes several electrification modes for each individual customer. The analysis includes (1) connection to the existing grid, (2) connection to an independent and isolated mini or microgrid, and (3) small individual standalone systems (DC solar kits and AC systems), considering in detail the techno-economic characteristics of each one of these modes. The decision about the most convenient (least-cost) electrification technology for each customer inside the study area (where there might be a mix of the three electrification modes) requires the analysis of the following topics:
* For connection to existing network: Topology and design of the existing network, electrical characteristics and cost of network components (cables, transformers), cost and reliability of the energy, tariffs and operational costs, LV and MV regulations.
* For independent systems: Assets for generation in AC or DC, microgrid regulations and electrical compatibility with existing grid, catalog of components, target reliability of the system, microgrid and stand alone systems' regulations, availability of energy resources (solar, hydraulic, wind, biomass...), cost and legal limitations in the use of diesel fuel for electricity generation.
* Characteristics of the demand: Types of clients, and electrification modes (demand profile, minimum reliability requirements, quality of service).
* Geographic characteristics: Topography, Elevation maps, and maps of forbidden areas or areas with a higher implementation or maintenance costs (ex. hills, jungle, or water features).

Layman's summary: The project aims at preparing the "National Integrated Rural Electrification Plan for Bolivia in 2030", allowing the country achieve sustainable, reliable and affordable universal access to electricity in 2030, integrating grid extension, mini-grids and standalone systems.